The project aims to improve the understanding of the sensitivity of powder properties and process parameters to the resulting green density. Firstly, this allows process optimisation to achieve dense and homogeneous green parts. Secondly, the procedure for parameter adjustment for other materials can be simplified in the future.
The correlation of debinding and sintering parameters with density and material structure of the sintered parts is to be analysed. In this way, cost-intensive thermal processes for adjusting the target properties can be shortened/avoided.
Furthermore, a suitable HIP process for crack-free and complete redensification of the sintered components is to be developed.
Finally, a comparison of the quasi-static and dynamic properties of the MBJ components before/after post-treatment by HIP and comparison to alternative process routes will be made. The analysis of strength scatter and critical defects on the fracture surfaces allows the assessment of the reproducible process capability.
Fraunhofer IFAM, Lea Reineke, lea.reineke@ifam.fraunhofer.de, +49 421 2246 7307